What ist the Student Council?

The StudierendenRat (StuRa for short) represents the interests of all students at HTWK Leipzig - and is therefore also your voice at the university.
After you have elected the FachschaftsRat at your faculty, it sends two students to the StuRa. With six FachschaftsRäten, the StuRa is made up of 12 students with voting rights. These 12 students elect the spokespersons of the Student Council and the speakers of the deparments and for the term of one year ande meet regularly every 14 days during the lecture period for the public meeting of the student council.
What does the Student Council do?
The Student Council fulfills its tasks according to § 26 SächsHSG.
The StuRa is divided into sections. The speakers work on different topics such as:
- Quality assurance of teaching
- Culture on campus
- Study calendar
- Saxony and nationwide higher education policy
- and much more...
In addition, the spokespersons keep the day-to-day operations running: There is advice for students, contacts are maintained with the various committees and working groups of the university, the calendar of events is maintained - in other words, enough work for a full-time job.
How can I participate in the Student Council?
The StuRa is not an elitist club: everyone is invited to join us and lend a hand! So, what are you waiting for?
Even if the StuRa cannot work miracles: Anyone who speaks on behalf of the Student Council will be heard. While as a „Joe Average-Student" you often only have to live with the consequences of decisions, the StuRa (like the student representatives of other bodies) has the right and the obligation to have a say in decisions. So if you want to achieve something for yourself and your fellow students, you've come to the right place. Just come by - we are always happy about support!
What is the amount of work?
The StuRa meets every 14 days during the lecture period, so that there are 8 to 9 meetings per semester. When attending the meetings, the full representatives and the surrogates can take turns, which reduces the workload. Other optional tasks (development of own applications, participation in working groups ...) can be taken on at any time depending on capacity.
What's in it for me?
Working at the StuRa is a voluntary position, where you can gain all sorts of experience, develop skills and make contacts. Besides that, we always have good coffee, nice people and lots of fun.
You can have your involvement in student self-government credited as a Studium-generale-achievement. After their term of office, the members receive written confirmation of their activities from us.
Positions and departments with a particularly large amount of work and responsibility receive a monthly allowance.
How is it all financed?
Each semester you pay a fee of €11.10 to the student body when you re-register. Of this, €1.85 goes to the FachschaftsRäte and €9.25 to the StuRa.
With around 6,500 students at the HTWK Leipzig, this is a considerable amount. Events or projects are financed from this money, public relations work is carried out, allowances are paid and much more. You can find out more about finances from the finance department and in the financial regulations of the student body at HTWK Leipzig .