Jedes Jahr im Oktober organisiert der StuRa die Erstitage für die neuen Studierenden. In der ersten Woche des Wintersemesters gibt es viele verschiedene Veranstaltungen der Fachschaftsräte und des StuRa. Bei einer Kneipentour, beim Bouldern, bei einer Stadtführung oder beim gemeinsamen Grillen können Erstis Kontakte knüpfen, die Hochschule und die Stadt besser kennenlernen.
About the StuRa
We are the elected members of the current StuRa plenum. We discuss and decide almost everything that affects you as a student at HTWK Leipzig.
If the door to our office in the Geutebrück building (room G101) can be opened, you can simply come in. There is definitely someone there for you during our office hours. Or just send us an email to sprecherinnen (at)
About the student councils
The student councils are the student representatives at the faculties of the HTWK Leipzig. They are involved in various committees and are always available as contact persons if you have any problems or questions.
Visit your fellow students in the Fachschaftsrat (short: FSR) in the office or have a look at the FSR website or the social media channels.